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Fukushima Wastewater Problem


    Fukushima Wastewater Problem

    (GS3: Environment)


    Japan is expected to start flushing 1.25 million tonnes of wastewater from the embattled Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean this year, as part of a $76-billion project to decommission the facility.

    • Currently, the radioactive water is treated in a complex filtration process that removes most of the radioactive elements, but some remain, including tritium – deemed harmful to humans only in very large doses.


    What are the concerns with this move?

    • No threshold level– There is no known threshold below which radiation can be considered safe.
    • Health impacts– Any discharge of radioactive materials will increase the risk of cancer and other known health impacts to those who are exposed.
    • Effect on marine resource– Experts expect the affected water to poison the fish.
    • South Korea banned seafood imported from around Fukushima from 2013.
    • Presence of radionuclides– TEPCO hasn’t removed tritium from the water. Tritium is easily absorbed by the bodies of living creatures and rapidly distributed via blood.
    • In 2018, it was reported that there were other radionuclides including isotopes of ruthenium and plutonium in the treated water that could persist for longer in the marine creatures and on the seafloor.



    • Longer storage – The Japanese government can store the water for longer and then discharge it as tritium’s half-life (time it takes for its quantity to be halved through radioactive decay) is 12-13 years.
    • The quantity of any other radioactive isotopes present in the water will also decrease in this time so that the water could be less radioactive at the time of discharge.
    • Tanks in uninhabitable land – The tanks to hold the water can be situated in the land around the Fukushima facility which was declared to be uninhabitable by the Japanese government.
    • Discharge into the sea – In 2020, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) officials said the discharge would be technically feasible and would allow the timeline objective to be achieved.
