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How to prepare for IAS after 12

    How to prepare for IAS after 12

    You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. -Tagore

    UPSC IAS Examination is among those very few examinations that are counted in the list of toughest examinations. The conducting body of the Civil Service Examination is the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) which has set some criteria to appear for this examination. And the criteria to realise your IAS dream is very simple, all you need to have is a degree in any stream from a recognised university. Does that mean you start your IAS preparation only after your graduation? The answer is a clear NO. If you have just finished your schooling, and are sure of your ambition to become an IAS/IPS officer and serve the nation, our advice is, start your IAS preparation right now to achieve the IAS Vision at your 1st attempt! Don’t wait till you turn 21 or get a degree. Preparation for after 12th is the right decision if you are inclined towards becoming an IAS Officer. There are many examples of Civil Servants who have cleared the IAS examination at a very early age. Starting your IAS preparation after 12 will not just help you in becoming an IAS officer at an early age, but it will inculcate Officer-like-Quality in you. You will find a whole different person with a ready-to-take charge approach. Most importantly, preparing at an early age for IAS will enhance the chances of clearing UPSC CSE right after your graduation. This will take you a long way in your IAS career, and you may even become the Cabinet Secretary (which is the highest IAS post in India) depending on your calibre of course. The question now is “What is the strategy for preparation of IAS after 12th”. This article gives you a few tips on how to prepare for UPSC IAS exam after 12.

    What should you do after the 12th to prepare for the IAS exam?

    • The first thing that we suggest is to try speaking with an IAS Topper who has cleared the IAS examination. You will get to know the ground realities of the IAS service and you will find your motivation to become an IAS Officer.
      Schedule a call with an IAS Topper https://educratias.com/contact-us/
    • Whichever Course you have planned to take up for pursuing your graduation, make sure you develop a fair knowledge on IAS Syllabus. There are some subjects that make the IAS preparation easy as the syllabus of IAS has some overlap with those subjects.
      Click here to get the complete IAS syllabus & pattern of IAS exam. https://educratias.com/syllabus/
    • Start with the basics of the IAS syllabus. There are some subjects in the UPSC CSE syllabus which we have already studied in our school. Start with those subjects only. For example, we all have read History, Geography in our school. You can start with these subjects. But remember, this time you are reading these subjects for IAS preparation, keep that in mind. The study have to be IAS exam oriented.
    • Go through the previous years’ UPSC IAS question papers and analyse the trend. UPSC IAS Exam does not ask the same number of questions from a particular subject every year in IAS Prelims and IAS Mains. So you should know where your efforts are to be put to get a result.
      Go through our prospectus to get an idea about the trend in Prelims https://educratias.com/previous-year-cutoff/
    • Go through the IAS syllabus of UPSC, it is going to be your holy book during your IAS preparation. Make a print out of it and paste it on your study wall. First understand the pattern of the IAS exam and then start your IAS preparation. Don’t ignore the CSAT paper, it will decide whether you will be in the UPSC IAS Prelims race or not. Get a fair idea of IAS prelims and IAS mains topics and most importantly, how they are interconnected.
    • Remember to study like an IAS aspirant and not a bunking college student. (Get inspiration from previous years’ Toppers.
      Get to know about the students who cleared from Kolkata https://educratias.com/
    • Go through the previous years UPSC IAS question papers. Try to link the questions with the topics of the syllabus.
      Go through the previous years’ questions of UPSC IAS Exam paperwise
    • Make a habit of reading a newspaper daily. Learn the art of selecting relevant news articles for the IAS exam. Make notes from those articles for prelims and mains separately for UPSC Current Affairs.
      Refer to these articles to get an idea about making notes from newspaper for IAS prelims https://educratias.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Educrat-Prelims-Booster.pdf
    • Learn how to make notes with your IAS preparation. If you are not comfortable in making notes, practice writing while studying or mark from the relevant IAS books.
      Refer to these IAS class notes that are not created separately, but they are made during the discussion in the class http://educratias.com/pdf/Current-Affairs/Class%20Notes/NCERT/Geography/Class%20VI-Geog-Notes.pdf
      To get more such notes and textbooks for IAS, refer to the following link
    • Last but not the least, get a good mentor who will guide you for this IAS exam till the time you clear. We at Educrat IAS Academy, the best IAS Coaching in Kolkata gives you the best mentors who themselves are IAS Toppers where you will be guided holistically for IAS prelims and IAS mains in an integrated approach. A good guidance is all that can make or break your dream of becoming an IAS officer. Without fundamental clarity of the topics and Officers-like-Quality, it is very hard to clear the IAS exam in the very first attempt.

    The best course after 12th for the IAS exam is Educrat IAS Academy. For more information on how to read the newspaper for IAS preparation, how to clear the IAS Prelims and IAS Mains, and how to ace the UPSC IAS Interview, follow https://educratias.com/.


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