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National Civil Service Day

National Civil Service Day Why in the news? Every year, 21st April is celebrated as the Civil Services Day by the Government of India. It is celebrated as an occasion for the civil servants to rededicate themselves to the causes of citizens and renew their commitments to public service and excellence in work. The dateRead more

National Quantum Mission (NQM)

National Quantum Mission (NQM) Why in News? Recently, the union cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister has approved the National Quantum Mission (NQM) to aid scientific and industrial research and development in quantum technology. What is National Quantum Mission? About: It will be implemented by the Department of Science & Technology (DST) under the MinistryRead more

Concerns of Rising Sea Level (SLR)

Concerns of Rising Sea Level (SLR) Why in news? World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) State of the Global Climate 2022 report highlighted that the world’s sea level is rising at an unprecedented rate. How much is the sea rising? The rate of global mean sea-level (GSML) rise has doubled between the first decade of the satelliteRead more

Group of Seven (G7) Summit to phase out fossil fuels

Group of Seven (G7) Summit to phase out fossil fuels Why in news? G7 sets renewables target, however, no timeline for fossil fuel phase out. What are the key proposals of the meeting? Energy transition – G7 collectively decided to increase offshore wind capacity by 150 gigawatts and add solar capacity of over 1 terawatt.Read more

State of Rural Entrepreneurs in India

State of Rural Entrepreneurs in India Why in the news? Despite the growing numbers of rural entrepreneurs, the productivity of such entrepreneurs is concerning. What are the factors that promote rural entrepreneurship? Skilling – National rural livelihoods mission (NRLM) and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) is a placement linked skill development programme. TheseRead more

Drug trafficking in India

Drug trafficking in India Why in News? The global drug trade is a major problem that has put security and law enforcement agencies on high alert worldwide, including in India. Why is Drug Trafficking Dangerous? It is a social problem that harms youth and families and the money it generates is diverted for disruptive activitiesRead more

Evaluation of PM MUDRA Yojana

Evaluation of PM MUDRA Yojana Why in news? Recently Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) completed 8 years contributing immensely to the inclusion of several communities that have traditionally been underrepresented as an entrepreneur. What is Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY)? PMMY provides collateral-free loans up to 10 lakh to the non-corporate, non-farm small/micro enterprises initially.Read more

Issues with Farm Mechanization

Issues with Farm Mechanization Why in News? According to a recently released white paper by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), the farm machinery industry in India faces significant challenges in meeting the demands of small and marginal farmers. Status of Farm Mechanization in India The farm machinery industry is characterized by bothRead more

Medicinal Significance of Biodiversity Loss

Medicinal Significance of Biodiversity Loss Why in news? The loss of biodiversity in the recent times drives the medicinal species to extinction and ultimately jeopardizes the human health. What is the status of biodiversity loss in India? According to a recent report, India has seen the highest rise in deforestation in the last 30 years.Read more

Large Hadron Collider

Large Hadron Collider Why in News? The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) has recently undergone upgrades to make it more accurate and sensitive and will start collecting data in May 2023. The LHC has undergone upgrades to increase its sensitivity and accuracy, allowing scientists to study particles with even higher energy. What is Hadron? Hadron isRead more