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The lingering crisis of labour post-pandemic

The International Labor Organisation (ILO) has recently released two reports: ‘Global Wage Report 2022-2023 and ‘Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook 2022, highlighting the global employment scenario (post-pandemic). What does the data show? According to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, the nominal wages rose to ₹17,017 per month in 2021 from ₹4,398 in 2006. But whenRead more

India Q2 GDP Data (2021-22)

Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has released the GDP data for the second quarter (July, August and September) of the current financial year (2021-22). What does the data say? Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – India’s GDP which measures economic activity from the demand side was 8.4% more than it was in the sameRead more

The rise of rural manufacturing

There is growing evidence that there has been a shift of manufacturing activity and employment from bigger cities to smaller towns and rural areas. Evidence: Recent data from the Annual Survey of Industries for 2019-20, shows that the rural segment is a significant contributor to the manufacturing sector’s output. 42% of factories and 62% ofRead more

China, West, G20 Presidency: Opportunities & concerns for India in 2023

Our domestic efforts will need to be bolstered by smart partnerships with others. New relationships are necessary. But, there is a need to keep old partners like Russia by our side. Six hard realities for the Indian strategic establishment: Russia-Ukraine war: It has impacted the world’s food and energy security. It can lead to global economic recession.Read more


The Supreme Court has 193 working days a year for its judicial functioning, while the High Court’s function for approximately 210 days, and trial courts for 245 days. The Supreme Court takes two long vacations each year, the summer and winter breaks, but is technically not fully closed during these periods. A Vacation Bench ofRead more

Focus on Africa, the heart of the Global South

The second U.S.-Africa summit was held in Washington recently. The leaders of 49 countries and the chair of the African Union (AU) participated from Africa. OUTCOMES: Support for G20 membership: The U.S. announced its support for the AU to join the G20 as a permanent member. Permanent representation for Africa at UNSC: The U.S. said it “fullyRead more

A failed attempt at decriminalization

Recently, the Union Government tabled the Jan Vishwas Bill, 2022 in the Parliament. Tabled with the objective of: Decriminalising 183 offences across 42 legislations and enhancing the ease of living and doing business in India. Aim: It proposes to decriminalise many minor offences by replacing them with monetary penalties. A unique feature of the proposalRead more

Alleviating the Scourge of Private Healthcare

In India, private healthcare needs to be made affordable alongside expanding public healthcare. Key Indicators for Indian Health Sector Poor Ranking: India ranks poorly on multiple health financing indicators. Meagre Public Health Expenditure: Its public health expenditure as a percentage of its GDP (1.28%) and share of general government expenditure dedicated to health (4.8%) remainRead more

Accepting the new normal in the Indo-Pacific Contestation

With tensions between China and India intensifying, there will be significant changes and challenges in the Indian Ocean and South Asian regions. Significance of Indo-Pacific region Trade and Economical Factors: The Indo-Pacific Region makes up 65% of the global population, occupies 44% of the planet’s surface area, generates 62% of global GDP, and supports 46%Read more

Is the RTI act fulfilling its purpose?

RTI is an act of the parliament that sets out the rules and procedures regarding citizens’ right to information. It replaced the former Freedom of Information Act, of 2002. Structural Issues Under the provisions of the RTI Act, any citizen of India may request information from a “public authority” (a body of Government or “instrumentalityRead more