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What the Plight of Students in Ukraine Reveals about Medical Education in India

What the Plight of Students in Ukraine Reveals about Medical Education in India The plight of 18,000 Indian medical students trapped in Ukraine’s war zones has led to widespread concerns. Why go abroad? The number of seats available for medical education in India is far less than the number of aspirants. Of the 1.6 millionRead more

Our Data: Not for Sale

Our Data: Not for Sale The government published a draft data policy for public consultation, which s ays all data collected, generated, and stored by every government ministry and department will be open and shareable barring certain exceptions. Draft India Data Accessibility & Use Policy 2022: It prescribes that a regulatory authority called the IndianRead more

New Rules for Deputation of DIGs

New Rules for Deputation of DIGs After its proposal to amend the All India Service Rules that would allow it to call any IAS, IPS or IFoS officer on central deputation with or without the state’s consent, the Centre has issued another order on central deputation of Deputy Inspector General-level IPS officers. What is theRead more

Why Sea Route Turkey Controls is Key for Russia?

Why Sea Route Turkey Controls is Key for Russia? Turkey is set to activate the Montreux Convention in response to Russia’s War over Ukraine.The declaration that situation in Ukraine had become a war, authorizes Turkey to activate the Montreux Convention and ban Russian war vessels from entering the Black Sea through the Bosporus and DardanellesRead more

GDP 2nd Advance Estimates: What’s Changed Since 1st, What it Means

GDP 2nd Advance Estimates: What’s Changed Since 1st, What it Means Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) released the Second Advance Estimates (SAEs) of GDP for the current financial year. These are an update over the First Advance Estimates (FAEs) released on January 7. How many revisions of GDP estimates are done, and why?Read more

What center wants to change in Delhi’s civic body?

What center wants to change in Delhi’s civic body? The Bill seeks to amend The Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957, to effectively undo the earlier 2011 amendment to the Act. Key features of the Bill: 2011 ACT   Under the 2011 Act, the erstwhile Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) was trifurcated into separate North, South,Read more

Time for India to redefine its relationship with Russia

Time for India to redefine its relationship with Russia: Russia’s war on Ukraine has decisively shaped international opinion. Indian foreign policy is also going to be affected in a profound manner. The Western world has imposed unprecedented sanctions against Russia and banned energy imports. New Delhi is concerned about the impact of these sanctions onRead more

What is NASA’s Artemis I Mission?

What is NASA’s Artemis I Mission? National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) rolled out its Artemis I moon mission to the launchpad for testing at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, United States. ARTEMIS: NASA’s Artemis mission is touted as the next generation of lunar exploration, and is named after the twin sister of ApolloRead more

National land monetization corporation

National land monetization corporation: The Union Cabinet has approved the creation of the National Land Monetisation Corporation (NLMC), the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) announced in the Union Budget 2021-22. The NLMC will be a firm, fully owned by the government, to carry out the monetisation of government and public sector assets in the form ofRead more

Russia’s offer of cheaper oil is tempting, but India must be cautious

Russia’s offer of cheaper oil is tempting, but India must be cautious: With oil above $100, the government now has to spend twice as much to import oil as it did earlier. Russia has offered to sell oil at lower prices to India. Issues in buying oil from Russia: Impact on India’s export due toRead more