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Daily PIB 27th November

e-SCR portal: It was an initiative by the Supreme Court (SC) of India to provide the digital version of the apex court’s judgements in the same manner they are reported in the official law report. It provides free access to about 34,000 judgements of the SC to lawyers, law students, and the common public. TheseRead more

Daily PIB 25th November

Credit Guarantee Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) Scheme: It was launched in 2000. The corpus of CGTMSE is being contributed by the Government of India and the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) in the ratio of 4:1.Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) is jointly set up byRead more

Daily PIB 24th November

Psyche Mission: It is a NASA mission that will explore a 140-mile-wide (225-kilometer) metallic asteroid called 16 Psyche. The spacecraft will enter the 16 Psyche asteroid’s orbit in 2029 and spend two years mapping the asteroid’s topography, scanning the surface, taking pictures, and more, with the aim of gaining information about its makeup as wellRead more

Daily PIB 23rd November

International Tropical Timber Council: Recently, the 59th International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) concluded on November 17, 2023, with major decisions. It is the governing body of the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO).It meets at least once a year to discuss a wide-ranging agenda aimed at promoting sustainable tropical forest management and the trade of sustainablyRead more

Daily PIB 22nd November

Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE): It is a first-of-its-kind NASA experimental attempt aimed at studying the interactions between terrestrial and space weather. It is planned under NASA’s Heliophysics Explorers Programme. This mission will study the links between how waves in the lower layers of the atmosphere impact the upper atmosphere and, thus, space weather. It willRead more

Daily PIB 21st November

Technology Development Board: It is a statutory body constituted under the Technology Development Board Act, 1995. It aims to promote the development and commercialization of indigenous technology and the adaptation of imported technology for wider application. The board consists of 11 Board members. It provides equity capital or loans to industrial concerns and financial assistanceRead more

Daily PIB 20th November

Sophisticated Analytical & Technical Help Institutes (SATHI): It is an initiative by the Department of Science and Technology to boost access to research and testing facilities and address problems of accessibility, maintenance, redundancy, and duplication of expensive equipment in Institutions. These Centres will be equipped with major analytical instruments and advanced manufacturing facilities which areRead more

Daily PIB 18th November

Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): The concept of an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) was adopted through the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). EEZ, as defined under UNCLOS, is an area of the ocean extending up to 200 nautical miles (370 km) immediately offshore from a country’s land coast in whichRead more

Daily PIB 17th November

Worldwide Governance Indicators: It is released by the World Bank. It provides a ranking of 215 countries and territories. It is based on six dimensions of governance: Voice and Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Violence, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law, Control of Corruption. These indicators are designed to help researchers and analystsRead more

Daily PIB 16th November

PM-PVTG Development Mission: The Prime Minister will launch the PM-PVTG Development Mission in a bid to empower the tribals on the birth anniversary of Birsa Munda, which has been celebrated as Janjatiya Gaurav Diwas. The Rs 24,000-crore project is aimed at the development of the PVTGs. It has been designed to bring critical infrastructure like power,Read more