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Daily Prelims Booster 17th April 2023

1) GREAT PACIFIC GARBAGE PATCH: It is a garbage patch, gyre of marine debris particles, in the central North Pacific Ocean. The collection of plastic and floating trash originates from the Pacific Rim, including countries in Asia, North America, and South America. North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) consists of the Kuroshio, North Pacific, California, andRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 15th April 2023

1) Chagas Disease: Also called American trypanosomiasis, it is a communicable parasitic disease caused by the parasite protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. The parasites are mainly transmitted by a family of bugs called ‘triatomines’, also known as the ‘kissing bug’. An individual can also contract this disease through congenital transmission (pregnant woman to their baby), blood transfusions,Read more

Daily Prelims Booster 14th April 2023

1) Doctrine of promissory estoppel:  It is a doctrine in contract law which enforces a promise whether executed as a contract or not. It prevents a “promisor” from backing out of an agreement on the grounds that there is no “consideration. In the Chhaganlal Keshavalal Mehta v. Patel Narandas Haribhai (1981) case, the Supreme CourtRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 13th April 2023

1) Gond Painting: Recently, the famous Gond painting of Madhya Pradesh has received the prestigious Geographical Indication (GI) tag. Themes: Gond tribes are highly interlinked with nature and this appears in their paintings too they include animals, mahua tree, mythological stories, Hindu gods, Local deities and folktales etc. The Gonds are the largest tribal CommunityRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 12th April 2023

1) Prevention of money laundering Act: The Finance Ministry has amended money laundering rules to incorporate more disclosures for non-governmental organisations by reporting entities like financial institutions, banking companies or intermediaries. It has also defined “politically exposed persons” (PEPs) under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). The amendment is in relation to foreign PEPsRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 11th April 2023

1) International Prize in Statistics: It was established in 2016 and is awarded biennially to an individual or team for achievements using statistics to advance science, technology etc. It is considered equivalent to the Nobel Prize in the field of statistics. The ultimate goal of the International Prize in Statistics is to enhance public understandingRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 10th April 2023

1) 5th cycle of Management Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE): India is the only country in the world that has institutionalized the MEE process The MEE results suggested an overall improvement in the management effectiveness of the tiger reserves. In the 5th cycle, there are 12 Tiger Reserves that have scored 90% and above and thus aRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 8th April 2023

1) Idu Mishmi Tribe: they are a sub-tribe of the larger animists Mishmi group (the other two Mishmi groups are Digaru and Miju) in Arunachal Pradesh and neighbouring Tibet. They are known for their weaving, craftsmanship skill and typical hairstyle, distinctive customs and artistic pattern embedded on their clothes. The tribe is estimated to compriseRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 7th April 2023

1) Open-source seeds movement: It simply asks for a pledge, that an individual won’t “restrict others’ use of seeds or their derivatives by patents or other means. The Hyderabad-based Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA), developed a model with the help of farmer-producer organisations (FPOs). There are now two forms of IPR protection in agriculture: PBRsRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 6th April 2023

1) UN WATER CONFERENCE: It was the first such meeting in 46 years. The last UN Water Conference, held in 1977, resulted in the first global ‘Action Plan’. Commitments: 713 voluntary commitments by philanthropic donors, governments, etc. This included a $50-billion commitment from India to improve rural drinking water services under the Jal Jeevan Mission.Read more