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    Crimson Rose Butterfly: belongs to the Swallowtails (Papilionidae) family, a large butterfly with a mix of black, white and crimson colours on its wings and body, is known for crossing the sea to migrate to Sri Lanka. The butterflies have been flying from Dhanushkodi across the Indian Ocean over the last few days, fuel-stopping at the beach for nectar.


    Green Hydrogen: is produced by electrolysis of water using renewable energy (like Solar, Wind) and has a lower carbon footprint. Electricity splits water into hydrogen and oxygen. By Products : Water, Water Vapor. The government will announce the first part of a green hydrogen policy this week, under which green hydrogen producers will be granted free power transmission for renewable energy projects set up before 2025.


    National Maritime Security Coordinator: The maritime security coordinator will work under the NSA and will be the principal adviser to the government on the maritime security domain. It aims to create an interface between the civilian and military maritime domains to enhance India’s security architecture and energy security. Vice Admiral G Ashok Kumar  has been appointed as the country’s first NMSC.


    Renewable Purchase Obligation: is the requirement mandated by Central/State Regulatory Commission and is relevant to Distribution Licensee: power distribution companies (DISCOMs); Open Access Consumer: ones acquiring power from power exchanges (IEX/PXIL), from traders, via bilateral agreements and so on.


    Purchasing Manager’s Index: is an economic indicator derived from the monthly survey of the private sector companies. PMI aims in providing information regarding the current and future conditions of a business to the decision-makers, analysts and investors of the company.


    DefExpo: is a flagship biennial event of the Ministry of Defence, showcasing the land, naval, air as well as homeland security systems. The aim of the DefExpo 2022 is to build upon the vision to achieve Atmanirbharta’ in defence and reach the $5bn defence exports target by 2024.


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