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    Demand Pull inflation: is mainly due to increase in Aggregate demand. The increase in Aggregate demand mainly comes from either increase in Government Expenditure (Expansionary Fiscal Policy) or by an increase in expenditure from Households and Firms. The root cause of demand-pull inflations is- Aggregate demand > Aggregate Supply. This simply means that the firms in the economy are not capable of producing the goods and services demanded by the households in the present time period. The shortages of goods and services due to increase in demand fuels inflation.


    INSACOG: the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Consortium on Genomics is a consortium of 10 labs and 18 satellite labs across India tasked with scanning COVID samples from patients and finding the variants that has led to spike in transmission. The institutes involved include the laboratories of the Department of Biotechnology, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Indian Council of Medical Research, and the Health Ministry. The Foreign Secretary conveyed that India will take its experience in testing, treating and vaccinating a large population spread out in different geographies and terrains to create customized and tailor-made capacity building and technical training programmes for front-line and healthcare workers in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This will complement the Quad Vaccine Partnership.


    Probiotics: are foods that are made up of good live bacteria or yeasts that naturally stay in the human body. Human body is a host to good and bad bacteria. Whenever one gets an infection, there is more bacteria that is bad. Probiotic supplements add good bacteria to the human body. Probiotics are part of a larger picture concerning bacteria and your body which is called your microbiome.


    Dear Money Policy: is a policy when money become more expensive with the rise of interest rate. Due to this, the supply of money also decreases in the economy, therefore it is also referred to as the contractionary monetary policy.


    Modified Elephant: a hacking group that allegedly planted incriminating evidence on the personal devices of Indian journalists, human rights activists, human rights defenders, academics and lawyers. Modified Elephant operators have been infecting their targets using spear phishing emails with malicious file attachments over the last decade, with their techniques getting more sophisticated over time.


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