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    1) Inter state council: Art 263 contemplates the establishment of an inter-state council to effect coordination between the states and between centre and states

    • It is a recommendatory body that has been empowered to investigate and discuss subjects of common interest between the Union and state(s), or among states.
    • The Council may meet at least thrice in a year.
    • The Prime minister is its chairman.

    2) FATF: The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 on the initiative of the G7.

    • The FATF Secretariat is housed at the OECD headquarters in Paris.
    • To set standards and promote effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and counter the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
    • The FATF currently has 39 members including two regional organisations – the European Commission and Gulf Cooperation Council. India is a member of the FATF.
    • The FATF Plenary is the decision-making body of the FATF. It meets three times per year.

    3) Grey list of FATF: The FATF has retained Pakistan on its ‘greylist’ or ‘increased monitoring list’.

    • Countries that are considered safe haven for supporting terror funding and money laundering are put in the FATF grey list. This inclusion serves as a warning to the country that it may enter the blacklist.
    • Countries known as Non-Cooperative Countries or Territories (NCCTs) are put in the blacklist. These countries support terror funding and money laundering activities.
    • Currently, Iran and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) are under High-risk Jurisdiction or black list.

    4) Pinkwashing: it is the strategy of promoting LGBT rights protections as evidence of liberalism and democracy, especially to distract from or legitimize violence against other countries or communities.

    • More broadly, pinkwashing can also be defined as “the deployment of superficially sympathetic messages for [ends] having little or nothing to do with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) equality or inclusion”, including LGBT marketing.

    5)  Mukhyamantri Matrushakti Yojana: it will cover 7 lakh women and is Gujarat government’s first scheme aimed at dealing with dietary deficiency within the first 1,000 days of the conception of a child (from pregnancy to 2 years), considered the crucial first window to check malnutrition.

    • The scheme will entail distribution of 2 kg chickpeas, 1 kg toor daal and 1 litre fortified ground nut oil.
    • Packets will have bar codes which will be scanned and the scheme is OTP based. This means the beneficiary will receive OTPs confirming that they have received these packages.

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