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Daily Prelims Booster 1st March 2023


    Daily Prelims Booster 1st March 2023

    1) NEWS BROADCASTING & DIGITAL STANDARDS AUTHORITY: The NBDSA is an independent body set up by the News Broadcasters and Digital Association (NBDA); it serves as a representative of private television news, current affairs and digital broadcasters.

    • It promotes itself as “the collective voice of the news, current affairs and digital broadcasters in India.” Though it is not a government or legal organization, its rulings matter.
    • The NBDA has 26 news and current affairs broadcasters (comprising 119 news and current affairs channels) as its members. It is funded entirely by its members.
    • It aims to protect all its members from persons carrying unfair and/or unethical practices or who discredit television news broadcasters, digital news media and other related entities.
    • It may initiate proceedings on its own and issue notice or take action concerning any matter which falls within its regulations. It can impose a fine up to Rs. 1 lakh.

    2) Justice Abhay Manohar Sapre committee: The Supreme Court recently formed a five-member expert committee to investigate the possibility of regulatory failure in the Hindenburg Adani saga.

    • It will suggest measures to strengthen Indian investor awareness, investigate any regulatory failure in dealing with the alleged breaking of rules and suggest measures to strengthen the statutory and regulatory framework.

    3) Grievance Appellate Committee (GAC): It was added in the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 to look into user complaints regarding unsatisfactory grievance redressal by social media intermediaries.

    • Three such bodies have been constituted of professionals from various fields.
    • Each GAC will comprise three government-appointed, full-time members, including a chairperson. Any user aggrieved by a decision of a platform’s Grievance Officer can appeal to the GAC within 30 days of the receipt of communication from the Grievance Officer.
    • The Committee has to dispose of the appeals within 15 days of receiving them.
    • GAC’s decisions will be binding on the intermediary.
    • The GAC will be a virtual Digital platform that will operate only online and digitally — wherein the entire appeal process, from the filing of the appeal to the decision thereof, shall be conducted digitally through the new portal

    4) First G- 20 Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting (ACWG): It is under India’s chairpersonship, and Italy is the co-chair country. The G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) was set up in June 2010 at the Toronto Summit.

    • Aim: to make “comprehensive recommendations for consideration by leaders on how the G20 could continue to make practical and valuable contributions to international efforts to combat corruption.”
    • The ACWG actively works with the World Bank Group, OECD, UNODC, IMF, and FATF, as well as with Business 20 (B20) and the Civil Society 20 (C20).

    5) CE-20 cryogenic engine: ISRO recently conducted a flight test of cryogenic engine for the Chandrayan-3 mission. It has been designed and developed by the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), a subsidiary of ISRO. It will power the Cryogenic Upper Stage of the LVM3 launch vehicle for the Chandrayaan-3 mission. It is the first Indian cryogenic engine to feature a gas-generator cycle.

    • It is one of the most powerful upper-stage cryogenic engines in the world.


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