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    3 seas initiative:  The Three Seas Initiative (3SI) is a regular cooperation format that brings together 12 European Union member states between the Adriatic Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea: Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The partners of the 3SI are the United States, Germany and the European Commission. The initiative is designed to promote cooperation in order to contribute to economic growth and energy security, as well as to boost cohesion and unity in Europe.

    GCC: GCC was established by an agreement concluded in 1981 among Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE in view of their special relations, geographic proximity, similar political systems based on Islamic beliefs, joint destiny and common objectives. The structure of the GCC consists of the Supreme Council (the highest authority), the Ministerial Council and the Secretariat General. The Secretariat is located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is a political, economic, social, and regional organisation according to its charter. Many CEOs from GCC nations have recently participated in the 1st ever overseas investment summit in Srinagar.

    TRIPS: The TRIPS agreement was negotiated in 1995 at the WTO, it requires all its signatory countries to enact domestic law. It guarantees minimum standards of IP protection. Such legal consistency enables innovators to monetise their intellectual property in multiple countries. In 2001, the WTO signed the Doha Declaration, which clarified that in a public health emergency, governments could compel companies to license their patents to manufacturers, even if they did not think the offered price was acceptable. This provision, commonly referred to as “compulsory licensing”, was already built into the TRIPS Agreement and the Doha declaration only clarified its usage.

    DO: Dissolved Oxygen is a measure of the amount of free oxygen available in river systems. Presence of organic and inorganic wastes in water decreases the dissolved oxygen content of the water. A number of factors like surface turbulence, photosynthetic activity, O2 consumption by organisms and decomposition of organic matter are the factors which determine the amount of DO present in water. The quality of water increases with an increase in DO levels.

    Common university Entrance Test: University Grants Commission (UGC) has announced the introduction of the Central University Entrance Test (CUET) which is now mandatory for undergraduate admission at any of the 45 central universities in the country. The CUET will include 3 tests (language, domain/discipline specific and general awareness) and will be conducted by National Testing Agency.

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