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    1) India’s sex ratio at birth normalizes slightly: The latest study by Pew Research Center has pointed out that “son bias” is on a decline in India and the average annual number of “baby girls missing” in India fell from approx. 4.8 lakh in 2010 to 4.1 lakh in 2019.

    • Missing females: It refers to how many births would have occurred during the time if there were no female selective abortions.
    • Sex ratio normalised slightly: From about 111 boys per 100 girls (India’s 2011 census) to about 109 (2015-16) and to 108 boys (latest NFHS survey 2019-21)
    • Sex selection was the highest for Sikhs, the share of “missing” girls among Hindus is also above their respective population share., Both Christians (105 boys to 100 girls) and Muslims (106 boys to 100 girls) have sex ratios close to the natural norm, and this trend is holding.



    2) Acculturation: A sociological concept that explains the changes that occur when two or more groups come in contact with each other and exchange aspects of their cultures such as values and practices of the other while still retaining their own distinct identity.

    • E.g. assimilation of many American Indian groups into the white culture of America in the nineteenth century



    3) Garba Dance nominated in UNESCO Heritage List: Garba is a form of dance, as well as a religious and social event that originated in Gujarat.

    • Traditionally it is performed during the nine-day Hindu festival Navaratri.
    • Either the lamp (the Garba Deep) or an image of the Goddess Durga is placed in the middle of concentric rings and the people dance around the centre, bending sideways at every step, their arms making sweeping gestures, each movement ending in a clap.
    • If approved for the list, it will become the first intangible cultural heritage of Gujarat to be listed by UNESCO.



    4) Bent-toed gecko: New species of bent-toed gecko found at Agasthyamalai.

    • Species have been given the common name Aravind’s ground gecko scientific name Cyrtodactylus aravindi after noted malacologist N.A. Aravind
    • Geckos are reptiles and are found on all the continents except Antarctica.
    • These colorful lizards have adapted to habitats from rainforests, to deserts, to cold mountain slopes. Most geckos are nocturnal.
    • Gecko tails serve many purposes. They help balance their weight as they climb branches, they act as fuel tanks to store fat, and as camouflage to help them disappear into their environment. Geckos are also able to shed their tails if a predator grabs them.



    5) Amrit Grants: Recently, DBT (department of biotechnology) and BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council) have given 75 Amrit Grants for supporting high-risk, ambitious research projects in the biotech sector under PPP mode.

    • Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan Jai Anusandhaan.”: in this new phase Amrit Kaal now it is imperative to add jai anusandhaan that is “hail innovation”.

    (don’t confuse with e amrit)

    • E-Amrit is a one-stop destination for all information on electric vehicles—busting myths around the adoption of EVs, their purchase, investment opportunities, policies, subsidies, etc. The portal has been developed and hosted by NITI Aayog with UK.

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