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    UNHRC: The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the world. The Council was created by the United Nations General Assembly in 2006. It replaced the former United Nations Commission on Human Rights. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) serves as the Secretariat of the Human Rights Council. OHCHR is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is made up of 47 United Nations Member States which are elected by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Russia has been suspended recently from the council.

    NDB: New Development Bank is a multilateral development bank. It was jointly founded by the BRICS countries in 2014, at the 6th BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, Brazil. But it was formally opened on July 2015. The bank was set to support the infrastructure and sustainable development efforts in BRICS grouping and other underserved & emerging economies for a faster development through cutting edge technology and innovation. Its headquarter is at Shanghai, China. NDB had received observer status in the United Nations General Assembly, in 2018. Egypt is the newest member.

    Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act: Passed in 1967, the law aims at effective prevention of unlawful activities associations in India. The Act assigns absolute power to the central government, by way of which if the Centre deems an activity as unlawful then it may, by way of an Official Gazette, declare it so. It has death penalty and life imprisonment as highest punishments. Under UAPA, both Indian and foreign nationale can be charged. It will be applicable to the offenders in the same manner, even if crime is committed on a foreign land, outside India. Under the UAPA, the investigating agency can file a charge sheet in maximum 180 days after the arrests and the duration can be extended further after intimating the court. It also included the provision of designating an individual as a terrorist.

    Mission Vatsalya: The Ministry of Women and Child Development has sent its draft guidelines for Mission Vatsalya Scheme to States and Union Territories to seek their suggestions. Mission Vatsalya is one of the new triad of schemes along with Mission Shakti, and Poshan 2.0, that aims at securing a healthy and happy childhood for every child. It focuses on Child Protection Services and child welfare services. It is essentially a renamed version of the pre-existing scheme called Child Protection Services. Objectives of the Mission: To secure a healthy and happy childhood for every child in India. To foster a sensitive, supportive and synchronized ecosystem for the development of children. To assist States/UTs in delivering the mandate of the Juvenile Justice Act 2015

    e-Shram portal: Ministry of Labour and Employment launched the e Shram portal. Aim: To register 38 crore unorganised workers such as construction labourers, migrant workforce, street vendors, and domestic workers, among others. The workers will be issued an e-Shram card containing a 12 digit unique number. If a worker is registered on the eSHKAM portal and meets with an accident, he will be eligible for Rs 2.0 Lakh on death or permanent disability and Rs 10 lakh on partial disability.

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