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Demolition drives violate international law

The Madhya Pradesh government bulldozed the houses of those who were allegedly involved in rioting. The State government claims that these demolitions are in response to illegal encroachments. What are the various domestic and international obligations being violated? Right to housing: The right to housing is a fundamental right recognised under Article 21 of theRead more

Migration in India 2020-21

Recently, a report was released named Migration in India 2020-21, by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI). Key findings: The all-India migration rate was 28.9 per cent in July-June 2020-21, with: 26.5 percent migration rate in rural areas and 34.9 per cent in urban areas. Females recorded a higher share of migration rateRead more

Web 5.0

Former Twitter CEO recently announced his vision for a new decentralised web platform that is being called Web 5.0. What is it? Referred to as the Next web: web 5.0 combines the attributes of an open, linked and intelligent web to produce an emotional web. It will map individuals’ feelings in real time and knowRead more

SEBI’s Concerns Around Cryptocurrency

Recently, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has given recommendations on cryptocurrencies regulations in India. Concerns raised by SEBI: Consumer protection and enforcement of any regulatory regime over crypto assets would be challenging due to the decentralised nature of digital instruments. There is a great likelihood of execution of unauthorised trades not inRead more

New Guidelines Against Misleading Advertisements

The Centre has announced a new set of guidelines for advertisements preventing misleading ads by Celebrities. Guidelines on Prevention of Misleading Advertisements and Endorsements for Misleading Advertisements, 2022: Key takeaways: An advertisement shall be considered to be valid and not misleading: If it contains truthful and honest representation; Does not mislead consumers by exaggerating theRead more

Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2022

The Government of India (GoI) has questioned the parameters of the recently released Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2022. Key findings: EPI 2022 uses 40 performance indicators across 11 issue categories to assess and rank 180 countries India has fallen from rank 168 and a score of 27.6 in 2020. Issues raised by India: Some ofRead more

The IPEF holds promise but there are perils too

Recently, the US President Joe Biden has established the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) which is said to be a new version of a “pivot to Asia”. IPEF: Touted as a substantial step by the U.S. as part of its decade-old “pivot to Asia”, the framework is a declaration of a collective desire toRead more

Thailand becomes first Asian country to legalize Marijuana

Thailand has officially legalized the growing and consumption of marijuana in food and drinks, becoming the first Asian country to do so.   For:   The cannabinoids found in Cannabis can be used to treat a number of medical conditions like multiple sclerosis, arthritis, epilepsy, insomnia, HIV/AIDS treatment, cancer.   Each part of the plantRead more

Indian Patent Regime vs. US norms

US has decided to retain India on its Priority Watch List along with six other countries —Argentina, Chile, China, Indonesia, Russia and Venezuela. Indian Patent Regime: Indian patents are governed by the Indian Patent Act of 1970. India became a party to the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement following its membership toRead more

India and Vietnam Sign Mutual Logistics Agreement

India and Vietnam signed a Joint Vision Statement on “India-Vietnam Defence Partnership towards 2030” Logistics agreements are administrative arrangements facilitating access to military facilities for exchange of fuel. It provides for logistical support and increasing operational turnaround of the military when operating away from India. The MoU is the first such major agreement which VietnamRead more