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Things to Remember While Making Notes for Civil Services Exam

    Things to Remember While Making Notes for Civil Services Exam

    When you are looking to prepare for the Civil Services Exam, you must put special emphasis on note making as it is an essential part of it. However, one question that you may have is to what extent how must prepare notes in order to get the best results without wasting any of your time. While note making allows you to revise the study material, it can actually take up a lot of your time when you are preparing these notes. Moreover, note making can be an excruciating and tiresome work as it usually takes a lot of time. Therefore it is essential that you take notes only for some selective subjects and just create margin notes for others or study them directly from your textbook.

    Making notes for Current Affairs

    Current Affairs is one of the most important subjects for which you can make notes. This subject is present for all the levels, i.e. Prelims, Mains, and the Interview as well as across all subjects; you should devote a considerable amount of time for making the Current Affairs notes. However, there is a risk of devoting way too much time for this. In order to save your time and make the best use of it, you should make notes only when you seriously need it.

    If you find some study material on current affairs that is well written, concise and to-the-point, you do not have to make any new notes from out of it. Such study material already has the best points presented in a proper manner. If you want, you can add some micro notes to it if you are keen on adding some additional points or important words to it. This can help you to revise the material quickly when you are looking to do that. Have a look at study material from reputed sources to learn how content can be presented in a simple and precise way. This can help you to avoid note making and save more time that you can use for additional preparation.

    Making notes for History

    Another subject for which note making becomes extremely important is history. In this subject, it is extremely beneficial to make notes as there are literally hundreds of characters and dates that you need to study. You should make micro notes during revision and do this for all the chapters. It is always a good idea to prepare the notes after you have read the subject matter at least for three times. If you try making notes after the first reading, then you may end up making extensive notes. In this way, you can also do faster revisions and get to the heart of the subject matter while reading.

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