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Time Management for UPSC

    Time Management for UPSC

    It is easy to have a tie bound framework for a goal with a pre-defined strategy which is more or less universal. But, what in case of you goal, if it comprises of dynamic evaluation process which is highly unpredictable? No, you cannot quit but you have to fight back, as you have to prove something to the world, to yourself.

    Civil Service examination is undoubtedly most sought after career option among the Indian youth, nowadays. The drive in the present generation of serving the nation, its people, taking call on serious issues that have plagued the society, instead of sitting in comfort and complaining; is praiseworthy, indeed! Now, the question is: are aspirants stopping themselves from pursuing the dream of becoming IAS/IPS/IFS/IRS officers or quitting midway because they think that the preparation strategy is time consuming and hectic? Well, is there anything good that comes easy?

    Time and again Civil Service Examination toppers have advised that time management is the third most important thing after syllabus and question paper that a UPSC aspirant should be well versed in. A serious dedicated preparation of one year is said to be sufficient for clearing the UPSC civil service examination. Also, it is difficult to maintain the same pace of dedicated, determined and focused preparation right for such a long period of time. That’s the place where Educrat IAS comes to your help. Our integrated approach of study aligns your preparation for all the three levels of the examination; i.e. prelims, mains and interview.

    Another factor that creates problem for the aspirants is storing the learned facts and lessons in memory for a longer period of time. If concentration gets deviated to learning new things then revision is hampered and vice versa. However, have you ever thought how easier the task of learning and storing facts could be if you link topics? Educrat IAS focuses on teaching one particular topic from all the possible aspects and decoding the types of questions that can be asked at the three levels of the examination process.

    At the same time, we believe that syllabus and questions papers are the two pillars on which the foundation of the preparation can be made stronger. Instead of setting lesson-centric goals for the students we focus on increasing their ability to solve more questions so that the scare of ‘such a huge syllabus and so much less time’ is driven away of their mind.

    We believe that every student is unique, have their own strengths and weakness; irrespective of which each and every serious aspirant can crack the so called ‘toughest examination of the country. There are unified lesson plans and specific lesson plans, for the students, to help them improve their performance with every single day of preparation. For example, if a student is weak in understanding the concepts of Economics but has a good grasping capacity for Polity, then it becomes all the more important for our faculty to help the student with practice questions for economics. This balanced approach, enables the student to streamline the limited time span by devoting more time to a comparatively tougher subject, but at the same time also, not ignoring the easier subject.

    When the question of time arises with the preparation of Civil Service Examination, one can not at all ignore the topic of solving 100 MCQs (Prelims) and writing answers to 20 questions within 3 hours (Each Mains Paper). Only a good time management technique can help you sail through the examination and come out with flying colors. Without the art of managing time in the examination hall, your good command over every subject, lucid vocabulary and sea of knowledge would not make you a Civil servant! Educrat IAS stresses on limited and complete learning instead of wide and vague learning. Weekly and monthly mock tests, in an exam environment within time limits set by the UPSC are organized. These tests also help the students in self-evaluation making them aware of the areas which should be given more time from the preparation point of view.

    Admission open for IAS/IPS 2024-25 Exam.

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