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Daily Prelims Booster 15th February 2023

1) Vacancy of Deputy Speaker: Lok Sabha does not have a deputy speaker since 2019. Article 93 says that Lok Sabha shall, as soon as may be, choose two members to be Speaker and Deputy Speaker so often as the offices become vacant. However, it does not provide a specific time frame. Article 178 containsRead more

DAILY PIB 8th February 2023

President’s Address:Article 87 provides that at the commencement of the first session after each general election to the House of the People and at the commencement of the first session of each year, the President shall address both Houses of Parliament assembled together. Such an Address is called ‘special address’, and it is also anRead more

DAILY PIB 7th February 2023

Garima Greh Scheme:The  Scheme provides ‘Shelter Home for Transgender Persons’. The ministry has decided to set up shelter homes for transgender persons who have been forced to leave their homes or abandoned by the family. Ministry for Social Justice & Empowerment is the nodal ministry.This is first such home in Vadodara.They will be run byRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 14th February 2023

1) President’s Colour Award: Union Home Minister will present the President’s Colour Award to the state police at a ceremony at the Haryana Police Academy. It is one of the highest honour that can be awarded to any military unit, military training establishments, and state/UT Police Forces of India. It is bestowed upon in recognitionRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 10th February 2023

1) Bhashini Mission: It aims to build a National Public Digital Platform for languages. It is a local language translation mission that aims to break the barrier between various Indian tongues by using available technology. This government platform aims to make Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP) resources available in the public domain toRead more

DAILY PIB 6th February 2023

Yuva Sangam Program: The Yuva Sangam is an initiative of Hon’ble Prime Minister to build close ties between the youth of North East Region and rest of India under the spirit of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat.The program will give an opportunity to see, know, understand India and do something for the country.This Wide Cultural ExchangeRead more

DAILY PIB 4th February 2023

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna: It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (Core Scheme) launched in 2015. Centre- States will be 75:25 per cent. In the case of the north-eastern region and hilly states, it will be 90:10.It  will benefit about 22 lakh farmers, including  scheduled caste and scheduled tribe farmers. Objectives: Convergence of investments inRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 9th February 2023

1) National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT): Recently, eight projects under the National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT) have been sanctioned and approved by the Government of India. NICDIT is an apex body under the administrative control of the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of CommerceRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 7th February 2023

1) Doctrine of res judicata: evolved from the English Law System, it literally means ‘the thing has been judged”. It is a judicial concept which means that the issue before the court has already been decided by another court, between the same parties, and the courts do not allow a petition to be filed inRead more

Daily Prelims Booster 6th February 2023

1) North Star: also known as Pole Star, it is a very bright star, around 2,500 times more luminous than the Sun. It is part of the constellation Ursa Minor and is 323 light years away from the Earth. The North star is less than 1° away from the north celestial pole, almost in directRead more